I was considering how the park would fit into the neighborhood and got to thinking how the northeastern corner of 2nd & Bell would figure into it. It's a vacant lot that used to be the site of the beloved Speakeasy. As you'll recall, the Speakeasy burned in 2001 and was demolished several years later. I lamented its passing last spring in this post. All that remains is a vacant lot with a fence around it. Here's the sweeping view of it now:
Yeah, it's not exactly a highlight on the Belltown tour. Here's my big idea: how about incorporating that parcel into the park project? I realize that it's private property, but how about its owner loaning it to the project until a solid development opportunity comes along? I mean, it's either hosted a derelict building or nothing for the last 8+ years. It's part of the neighborhood, it should be part of the park. It doesn't have to be home to anything that can't be removed quickly - maybe just a few benches. But if it were incorporated into the project, it would give the park a little more coherence. Present plans have the park simply running past the empty lot. What's the sense in that? Even if it's only temporary, it would be great to bring that piece of property into the fold.
I know that it's naive to think that an owner of Belltown real estate would simply cede its use to the city, but what good is it doing anyone now? It's just sitting there empty! And it's been that way for years.
Based on the response that I got from that first post, most are bracing themselves for the worst from the park. It's not that we're a bunch of cynical pessimists; it's just that we're familiar with the neighborhood and how it's policed. I think most are apprehensive that the city is merely going to build the park and walk away. If your concerns are strong enough, now you have a chance to voice them. There's going to be a community meeting about the Bell Street Park Boulevard (that's the full name) project on Tuesday, November 10th, 7-9pm, at PACCAR Pavilion at the Olympic Sculpture Park. If you think it's a bad/good idea, show up and let yourself be heard.
(Cross-posted at the P-I Blog)
best idea award!
I agree with your comments that we Belltown residents know how the neighborhood is policed now and don't see this getting better with/without this park.
Regardless of who would own such a park, it would need to be maintained and policed. Parks should simply not be established with out such provisions budgeted into them.
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