Golly, this looks like a fantastic show. A few years ago, I heard all this talk about what great a songwriter Aimee Mann was. The only tune of hers I knew was the awful "Voices Carry." I didn't like the song or the video. And I really hated her voice. She sounded like a sheep. But then I listened to the soundtrack from Magnolia. It was tremendous. So yes, now I think she's great. She writes tunes that fit her voice well. As for Nick, well, he's just a plain-old pop music legend. I really like the fact that back in the seventies when everybody was making arena rock or angry punk noise, Lowe was writing catchy pop gems and then over-producing the bejeezus out of them. Yes, it was a lovely time to be alive. Anyhow, I'm seriously considering going to this show.
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