Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bad Graffiti of the Week

My days and most of my evenings this week have been spent in film music class downtown. Honestly, I miss Belltown along with its noises and smells. Downtown is so totally different. There are tall buildings, abundant retail and they're not tearing up the streets with sexy, sexy jackhammers. My absence from daily Belltown weirdness will continue through next week at which time I will officially have graduated from film scoring preschool. I will be keeping my macaroni art, if you must know. Everything will get tougher from then on, as it usually does with anything worth doing. But anyway, our topic is bad graffiti. I made an exciting discovery last week. Look:

That's right, the scary skull guy is at it again. This specimen is on 5th, between Lenora and Virginia. It's like he's putting up these creations in my path. I say go right ahead. I always need bad graffiti to feature. The more scary skulls, the better. Just don't put them on anything I like - for instance the Darth Vader Building or the Austin A. Bell Building. That would make me sad. But scary skull guy, I salute you. Your stuff is ugly, disturbing and poorly executed. Keep up the fine work - just don't keep it hidden.

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