I apologize for the bad cell phone picture here, but I forgot my trusty Sony and I wanted to capture what Pine Street looked like on the day after Thanksgiving just shy of 8:30 in the morning. In case you can't tell, there are several thousand people lined up on the sidewalks to see the so-called "Holiday Parade." I was a little surprised at how many fellow humans were out this morning. I ran into scads of them on my way to/from Old Navy and the Bon - er, I mean Macy's. Apparently Old Navy opened at 3am this morning. Who the hell goes shopping at three in the morning? The Bon - er, I mean Macy's - opened at a more merciful 5am. I found clothes, paid for them and left. I didn't get in on the "Holiday Parade" action. I just figured it would be televised, like in previous years. It's generally broadcast on KING and, without fail, it's completely ridiculous. But alas, unless I totally missed it, there was no TV coverage. Maybe there was. I dunno. The only thing unique about this parade is that it doesn't start or finish in Belltown. It's totally a downtown affair. And that's just fine and dandy. Belltown already has a large enough share of Gay Pride and the Seafair Torchlight. We don't want to step on downtown's toes just to have a piece of Santa Claus. Really, it's OK.
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