Golly, I thought this process would be over quickly, but it just drags on. I'm starting to feel sorry for the old folks concealed behind the attractive sheet of plastic. I mean, they're our elders whose views to the outside world are being denied. Unfair! I have no idea what it must be like to gaze out at a sheet of plastic every day for months. It has to be slightly demoralizing and also a bit creepy. It looks like the puppet show that I predicted isn't going to happen. Yeah, I totally made that up. But it would have been cool. Now the weather would freeze the puppeteers' hands if they bothered to show up, which they won't, because I made the whole thing up.
There are other scaffolds up around the neighborhood, namely at the Bell Tower, the Alex and the Terminal Sales Building. But I'll refrain from featuring them, because the Security House is always ripe for parody and derision. You can't say that about the Terminal Sales Building. That place carries a certain amount of dignity with it. So no, I'm not expanding Scaffold-Watch. But you can expect the same "high quality" reporting from Belltown's more prominent examples of scaffolding.
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