Wednesday, March 24, 2010

One More Thing...

I forgot to post this photo from the sidewalk sale last Saturday:

It's the meter maid chariot that can only be used on sunny days. It's not a Segway and they're sick of people asking them that. It's something else - something much cooler. Look at all those mags! Gosh, it must have two of them! It's weird because the meter maid stopped to ticket this car for having expired tabs. The only hitch was that it was from California. I didn't know they could do that. Well, I guess they can. Anyhow, whenever I see this tri-wheeled piece of coolness, I'm gonna take a picture of it. This I promise.


ruffhauser said...

That thing blew by me on 4th Ave. on Saturday. It's a pretty butch machine and way more sturdy-looking than the Segway.

Unknown said...

That's one impressive big-wheel!