For years and years, Mom's Teriyaki stood at the corner of 3rd & Bell. It was run by two pleasant ladies who probably weren't Japanese. You know there's that truism about never eating at a place called Mom's, but I guess this place was the exception that proved the rule. Sure, it wasn't the best place in the world, but it was OK and it was cheap. The two pleasant ladies put up with a lot, since they were right next to Kelly's and across the street from Regrade (aka Needle) Park (before it was turned into a dog park). If you came in and weren't high on crack or drunk out of your mind, they'd make your order extra tasty.
Well, they were there for around 20 years, so I don't blame them for leaving. Now we have a place called Gambas in its stead. They've got a super-cheap sushi happy hour that I need to hit soon. Of course, when it comes to sushi, the best place in Belltown or indeed in all of Seattle is Saito's. It's just right across the street from me at 2nd & Blanchard. The only thing keeping me from taking all my meals there is that they're a little pricey. Oh yeah, it's totally worth it, but I can't justify the expense, so I go there once every month or so. It's more special like that. As for the sushi at Gambas, if it doesn't make me sick, then I just might be going there a lot.
Oh, and you read that right; it's a Japanese and French restaurant. What could possibly go wrong?
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