Sunday, June 29, 2014

Prade 2014

Well, today it was OK to be proud and gay.  Wow, that really super-rhymes!  In years past, I've taken a whole slew of photos and then left after a fashion.  There was always a lot more parade.  This year, there was about four hours worth.  I think every gay person in Seattle must have marched in that span of time.  I left after nearly two hours.  Since I've taken so many pictures in the past, I wanted to feature just a few to sum up the event.  Well, here's your few photos:
It's grand marshal George Takei!  He's gay, you know.
And here he is with more of his police escort.  I've always found him a pleasant guy.

Oh, and Macklemore was there, too.  Here is a bad photo of him:
So yes, there were many, many marchers.  Of course, this year also had its share of naked people.  As usual, the majority were those you'd never want to see naked.  But there were a few who looked quite fetching.  Sorry, no pictures.  Just take my word for it.  This is quite different from the past when the unsightliness was near-total.

Anyhow, it was a fine, if not extremely long, parade.  Be proud, folks.  And be careful in dumb countries like Uganda.  Those guys don't know anything.

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