Sunday, May 5, 2013

Your Sunday Squirrel

OK, these are squirrels - plural.  My mom isn't as fond of squirrels as I am, because they raid her bird feeders.  Fair enough, but squirrels are foragers and acrobats, so they're totally adept at this kind of thievery.  She always sends the dogs out after them.  Of course, the dogs make a lot of noise but the squirrels always get back to their trees.  They're extremely fast.  Unlike Denny Park squirrels, these guys are completely unsociable.  You can watch (and photograph) them from the house (as I did), but take one step outside and they're totally gone.  I guess this is because Snohomish is much wilder than Seattle.  Squirrels are twitchier and more paranoid.  So far, it's worked for these guys.  It's difficult to tell them apart, but I think they're been there for years.  Well, good for them.      

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