Sunday, August 13, 2017

Shalom, Jewish Federation Building

Well, some bad stuff went down here a few years ago.  And now, the building's coming down.  There's no connection between the two events.  What we'll see here within the next year and a half is 38 stories of adult dorms.  There's a name for it. - maybe "live share" or something.  Any way you slice it, it sounds terrible.  As a person who treasures his solitude, this would drive me nuts.  To be funneled into clubs and activities in lieu of having any semblance of real life is a depressing prospect.  Since it's a Martin Selig building, you can count on big, ugly art in the lobby and common spaces.  In any case, this will be one of the tallest buildings in Belltown.  But not the tallest.  So there.