Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Change We Can Believe In??

I've walked by the Escala a few times recently and seen this:

I must admit, I was mildly curious. Just think of all the cool ways it could change: they could break all their windows and become a high-rise bird sanctuary or they could attach some heavy-duty rocket engines and launch themselves into space or similar cool stuff. But if you go to the site with the cumbersome name, you'll find that they've merely lowered their prices. Yeah well, everybody's doing that. It's hard to sell luxury these days. I checked out the floorplans and I'd have some real trouble living there. My main issue is heights. I believe that every unit has its own balcony. Yeah, that wouldn't work out so well for me. Don't get me wrong, a view is nice, but I prefer to be enclosed. Even then, I still have difficulties. So no, Escala, I would not like to live in you. The height issue is just the beginning of why I would choose not to reside there. I also believe that the building is really quite ugly and additionally, I'm way too poor to live there. Those are all valid reasons.


Unknown said...

Very overrated building.

Unknown said...

Very overrated building.