Sunday, November 15, 2015

Your Sunday Squirrel

I had a few temp gigs this week, so visits to the park were limited.  And when I did make it, the weather was super rainy.  Here's some of what I got:

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Your Sunday Squirrel

Here are some highlights:
A lot of stuff happened around the bench.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Your Sunday Squirrel

The week in review:
Some of these have already been posted on Facebook and Instagram and some are new.  All in all, it's been a great week for squirrels.

Happy Halloween!

Here are some highlights:
 Just me being saucy.  Yes, that's my real face.

We went to Aurora Village and there was this spooky abandoned clothes dryer in the parking lot.  You don't see that kind of thing every day.

If you look closely, you'll see that this is two pumpkins.  I'm happy with how they turned out.  I spent the early half of the afternoon carving and the latter half drinking.  It was a fine day.

Another creation; I'm not overly satisfied with this.  Maybe it's a bit better than the photo makes it look.
This is Stacey's pumpkin.  Yes, very nice.  It's an owl.  She did it without any overlays or patterns or anything.

OK, bad photo and it doesn't really show what's going on, but it's a pumpkin with an axe in its head and pumpkin-brains spilling out.  It was a good conversation piece.

This was in another yard up the street.  It had light-up eyes and it shook a lot.  

Here's our main attraction, homicidal Santa.  We were going to do a more all-encompassing creepy Christmas theme, but we settled for this and just a few other things.  It looked great when it got dark.

OK, so once again, it was a great Halloween.  And most of the kids were really polite.